Mesothelioma - Asbestos Litigation

Asbestos is a natural organic substance that is mined from the earth crust. It is a fireproof material that has a variety of industrial uses. Asbestos was first discovered in Egypt where their kings use it as napkins which is cleaned by simply throwing it into fire. The ancients also asbestos in burying their kings in order to preserve the ash of the bodies. The word originates from a Greek word meaning "unquenchable". The first incidence of death due to asbestos was reported in 1906 in the United Kingdom. Soon after this, the medical term "Mesothelioma" was coined.

Mesothelioma denotes a cancer of the epithelium. There are three forms of Mesothelioma: pericardia, pleural and peritoneal Mesothelioma. In pericardia Mesothelioma the membrane covering the heart is invaded by cancerous cells. Associated symptoms include: heart murmur, heart palpitation, increased blood pressure, etc. Pleural Mesothelioma is characterized by wheezing, dry cough, pleural effusion, and reduced lung functions such as lowered lung capacity. i.e. the ability of the lungs to take in air and blow out carbon dioxide is reduced. As, abdominal swelling and weight loss is seen in pleural Mesothelioma. We have discussed the various forms of Mesothelioma. Lets take some time to dwell on the uses of asbestos.

Asbestos is used for many purposes some of which include insulation, fire-proofing of buildings and ships, cement production, gaskets, clutch plates, fire blankets, stage curtains, caulk, plaster, dry wall and joint compound, gas mask filters, interior fire doors, and dental cast linings.

Mesothelioma is often not diagnosed on time because the patient do not report to their doctors on time. A good history of occupation, and place of residence has proved to helpful in the diagnosis of Mesothelioma. The use of imagining techniques which emerged on the turn of the century is proving very helpful in diagnosis. A microscopic field displaying asbestos fibers is a confirmatory diagnosis for the cancer.

Treatment options for Mesothelioma includes surgery. There are two major types of surgery done. We have wide local excision or obliteration of the pleural space. While the later involves the removal of normal tissues alongside with diseased tissue, the former involves the precise, accurate removal of tumor from the body or tissue.
In the history of the United States, asbestos litigation is the longest running mass tort litigation. This allows an individual to bring a law suit against an industry or manufacturer who is responsible for the unhealthy exposure of asbestos. There are many lawyers you can contact in your local area in case you are affected.

Lung Cancer Explained

Lung cancer results from abnormal cellular proliferation of cells in the lung area. It is caused due to a failure in the regulation of cell replication. Cancer of the lungs usually begins in the lungs and spread to other parts of the body if not diagnosed on time. Based on cellular appearance on the microscope, there are two types of lung cancer. The first is small cell lung carcinoma, while the second is non-small cell carcinoma. Also, cancer of the lungs can arise from various parts of the lungs such as the epithelial cells or the pleural which covers the lungs. This article will focus on causes of lung carcinoma, how this disease is diagnosed and symptoms as well as treatment.

Cancer of the lungs may be caused by a variety of factors. The leading cause of lung carcinoma is cigarettes. In the united-states alone, approximately seventeen thousand people which is about 10 % of lung carcinoma patients fall within this category. It has been discovered that smoking suppress certain genes which regulate cell proliferation. Non smokers who stay near cigarette smoke are also at risk of lung cancer. This passive smokers develop lung cancer at a lower pace compared to active smokers. With low tar cigarettes, however, no risk as been associated.

Another cause of cancer of the lungs is asbestos. Asbestos are non-combustible natural mineral mined from the earth-crust. They are useful in building and construction in industries, houses and ships. Asbestos easily disintegrates and are air-borne when they become old. These tiny, microscopic fibers are deposited in the lining of the lungs where they remain for several years before undergoing malignant transformation to become cancer.

Genetics play a factor in lung carcinoma because a family history of the disease posses as a big risk factor in developing the condition.
Other causes of lung carcinoma includes: high levels of air pollution, some types of gases such as radon gases, and high levels of radiation such as one administered during therapy.
Symptoms include: pleural effusion, abnormal coughing, decreased lung functions, abdominal swelling, facial paralysis and nail problems.

Three main treatment options used in cancer treatment is radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy.
Radiotherapy is the use of powerful radiations in the treatment of lung cancer. It is associated with severe side-effects such as loss of hair, nausea and vomiting, and so on. Ionizing radiation used consist of electromagnetic wave and accelerated particles. Radiotherapy involves the use of implants in the treatment of cancer of the tongue, breast or rectum. It is a short distance treatment such that the patient is in contact with the radiation source.

Pleural Mesothelioma-What Is It All About?

Pleural Mesothelioma is a form of Mesothelioma that affects the pleural of the lungs. It is the most common form of Mesothelioma seen in Mesothelioma patients. The pleural is a thin layer of membrane that covers the chest cavity and the lungs. This transparent membrane becomes thick and fibrous when invaded by cancerous cells. In this post, we shall be discoursing causes of pleural Mesothelioma, how it can be diagnosed, the symptoms as well as the treatment options for pleural Mesothelioma. To start with, let us take a look at the causes of pleural Mesothelioma.

This form of mesothelioma is primarily caused by asbestos. Asbestos are natural, organic substances mined from within the crust of the earth. There are six different types of asbestos including serpentine,and the blue asbestos which is the most dangerous of all. These substances become air borne when handled or manipulated in various industrial purposes. Asbestos miners or people residing near the mines may easily inhale these tiny, microscopic asbestos fibers which remain embedded in the lungs for years before resulting to pleural Mesothelioma or related disease such asbestosis. Although asbestos is the main cause of pleural Mesothelioma, cigarette smoking over a long period of time may also cause pleural Mesothelioma. Lets take a look at how this form of Mesothelioma is diagnosed.

This form of Mesothelioma is most of the time diagnosed late, at the advanced stage of the cancer. This occurs because the symptoms of the disease mimics those of other diseases. One of the ways to diagnose the disease is by paying attention to the presenting symptoms which shall be discussed in the next paragraph. Magnetic resonance imaging, x-rays and other imaging techniques are important in the diagnosis of pleural Mesothelioma. Once the asbestos fibers are discovered in the pleural membrane treatment should commence without delay.

Patients display several symptoms. Some of these includes: inexplicable weight loss, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature also called fever, nausea and vomiting, reduction in blood volume ( anemia ), constipation, diarrhea, chest pain, accumulation of fluids in the space between the pleural ( pleural effusion), night sweats, excessive coughing, wheezing, abnormal lung functions, abdominal swelling and so on.

In case you experience one or more of these symptoms and you reside near asbestos mine please report immediately to a qualified physician for diagnosis and prompt treatment.

Treatment of Mesothelioma involves the use of radiation to kill cancer cells known as radiotherapy, the use of drugs called chemotherapy and surgery.

Mesothelioma-What Are the Treatment Options?

Mesothelioma is a disease of the lungs caused by asbestos. Its symptoms are very grave and often makes patients very uncomfortable. It is very important and helpful to the patient to discover the disease on time otherwise the prognosis will be poor and the patient dies. For some reasons, women stand a better chance of surviving the disease than disease. This perhaps is due to some underling genetic factor. Over the years, scientists and researchers have come up with various methods of treating Mesothelioma. Of all the various methods the three most common treatment options include: the use of surgical intervention, the use of radiation techniques and chemotherapy intervention. The normal practise is to combine this treatment strategies so as to get good response. Let us now take an indept look at this modes of treatment one after the other.
Surgery in mesothelioma can be done by wide local excision or pleurodesis. wide local excision is a kind of procedure used to remove a small area of diseased tissue with some areas of normal, undiseased tissue. This type of surgery is normally performed on the breast and to skin lesions. Pleurodesis on the other hand, is a surgical procedure in which the pleural space is artificially obliterated. This is done to prevent the reoccurence of pnemothorax or pleural effusion caused by mesothelioma. Pleurodesis can also be done by the use of chemicals without surgical intervention. We now proceed to discuss chemotherapy as a treatment option in mesothelioma. .
Chemotherapy is the simply the use of chemicals namely drugs to kill cancer cells. Drugs may be administered orally through other routes of administrtion such as directly into the spinal column. The drug of choice in treating mesothelioma is permetrexed( trade name: Alimta). It is administered in a  21 day cycle. Permetrexed is however not  alone but combined with a platinum based compound called cisplatin for synergism. Patients on Alimta will be expected to also take folic acid and vitamin B12 to lower the side effects. Other chemodrugs include: vinorelbine, onconase, gemcitabine, e.t.c. Common side-effects of chemodrugs are: nausea and vomitting, constipation, fever, decreased white blood cell count which makes the patient prone to infections, and depression.
Radiation in mesothelioma may be internal or external. Internal radiation is also known as brachythereapy. Here, the internal radiation source is implanted within the patient. The external radiation involves an external beam radiation. Radiation is particularly useful against cancers that divide rapidly such as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Survival Rate

The survival rate defines the fraction of people who responds to treatment after being diagnosed of a certain ailment. The survival rate of mesothelioma depends on certain factors which we shall be discussing in this article.  These factors include: the latency period, the stage of disease at diagnosis and the operability of the tumor.
The latency period is the period between infection and the actual manisfestation  of the disease. The asbestors that cause mesothelioma are stored in the lungs for years all the while causing irritation of the mesothelium of the lungs. These irritations eventually become malignant and cause cancer of the mesothelium. The longer the latency period, the lower the survival because longer latency means more time to spread and invade more tissues which means poor prognosis. Having discussed the latency to some extent, let”s talk about how the stage of the disease affects the survivor rate.
Another factor that determines the mesothelioma survivor rate is the stage at which the disease was diagnosed. Regular medical check up is a big factor here. Generally, patients diagnosed in the early stage tend to have a higher survivor rate than those in the advanced stage. At the initial stage, the cancer is localized and is yet to spread from its initial point of formation. When the cancer becomes advanced, the mesothelioma spread from the pleural lining into other parts of the body such as the esophagus, spine, muscle, blood vessels, e.t.c, e.t.c.
The operability of the tumour is the last point to be discussed. Tumour that has metastasised have very poor rate of survival because they are very difficult to operate. Metastasis to the lining of the heart and the brachial plexus are hard to operate. Therefore, it is better to operate before spread to these delicate sites.
Generally, the mesothelioma survivor rate is low. In the united- states, about 40 percent of the patient survive one year. Also, eighteen thousand Americans died between 1999 to 2005 from health statistical records. Women have better survivor rates than men and respond to treatment more than men.  

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma symptoms are sign posts or tell- tale signs that signals the presence of the disease itself. The bad thing about the disease is that it has no specific symptoms and may mimick several  other diseases which sends doctors on goose chases only to discover later that the patient is suffering from mesothelioma. This makes the treatment  difficult and so the prognosis is bad for most suffers of the disease. Mesothelioma affects virtually every part of the body; its symptoms are evident in the pulmonary system whence it originates, the circulatory system starting from the heart, central nervous system, and other areas in the body. Now, let’s consider each system and identify the symptom associated with them.
In the circulatory system, there  is  the occurence  of heart palpitations denoted by increased heart rate, also there is chest pain,heart murmurs  and  irregular heart- beat. The patient tends to be  anaemic  and may go into shock.
Gastro-intestinal related symptoms includes: nausea and vomiting, meaning the patient may throw-up atimes. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, constipation and diarrhoea.
Central nervous system related symptoms are unexplainable weight loss, increased body temperature i.e. fever, fatigue, night sweats, general body weakness, numbness of the upper or lower limbs and confusion.
Symptoms associated with the respiratory system include: hoarseness of the voice , wheezing when breathing, blood in the septum, rust coloured sputum, recurring bronchitis, pneumonia, reduced respiratory functions, and accumulation of fluids in the lungs.
Please note that symptoms of mesothelioma do not materialize until about 20 to 50 years after initial exposure to asbestors. The asbestor fibre usually remain embedded in the lung mesothelium  for decades before becoming malignant